Mother’s Day

It's Mother's Day!  I got all my text messages from Australia yesterday because if they don't do it then, the kids forget on (their) Monday.  I also received some beautiful flowers.

My sister has most of our old family photographs so I don't have any of my young mother except a few I took myself.  My first camera was a little Kodak Instamatic.   Here is the family in 1965  – of course I am behind the lens so I am not in the photo: 

This is a photo which was taken by my grandfather and which my mother "coloured".  It was taken before my mother & father went on an overseas trip (to visit his mother) and all four kids were given one of mum & dad so we remembered what they looked like!  I have had mine on display in a duo-frame since I was given them in 1974.   

Here is me as a mummy.   The Princess was being held by her father in the photo – but as he is an ex,  I have deleted the majority of him! 

And here are three generations of mums,  Mum, Nan & Me; and the little Princess makes 4 generations of women in that family. My grandmother lived to be 99.  This photo was taken about 1992.

I hope all mothers have a wonderful day.

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17 responses

  1. Thank you. I am really fond of that photo too – though only the older generations are actually looking at the camera! I would love to remember what was happening out of frame that has me laughing but the Princess looking really worried! My grandmother was a wonderful lady and I am so glad that all my children got to know her. My mother is pretty wonderful too! I still have the Princess's little red hat – she used to look so adorable in it.

  2. I agree with Purplesque — you look very Princess Dianesque! And your mother looked very Meryl Streepish in the black/white photo. Very attractive family you are.
    As far as having the ex in the picture, I've had to deal with that a lot lately, and have found a most fun way to do so when there is no "cropping them out." (lol)

  3. Forgot about
    mothers day so I ended up cooking her a dinner instead of going to the woods to
    photograph, maybe tomorrow I will get a chance to go after I make some phone
    calls for parts for my tractor, its all been rebuild so it needs to be run to
    properly break in the motor!

    I hope you
    had a happy day, plenty of phone calls on this day!

  4. Thank you!! I basically did nothing for the whole day! Just perfect. I started a Barry Eisler book – the next in my John Rain assassin series – and surfed the web. Lucky the weather was so lousy or I would've felt guilty! 🙂

  5. Thank you. It was probably the "english rose" complexion (which I have mostly hated) and that hair style!!! What was I thinking?? 🙂 LOL dealing with ex-es in photos!!! Not sure my Princess would like to be held by Homer though…..

  6. How wonderful for your mum to have you cook her dinner!! Yes, I did get phone calls and text messages but I had to get my own dinner! Hope you got all the parts you needed for the tractor.

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