

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting on the furthest end of the platform waiting for my train when a girl approached all smiley face. Hi, she says, sits down and commences to strip out of her work clothes into gym clothes!!   We were a long way from any other commuters but I wonder if she realised there was a CCTV camera right there!

I woke up this morning with a stiff right side – from neck to hip.   How can you get so injured just quietly lying in bed all night?   

Yesterday I had my first ever bone scan.  The technician touched my left foot without telling me she was about to and I  kicked her.  It is amazing how something so dead (technically "numb") is so sensitive!   If you are going to touch my foot you have to start at the couple of toes with feeling and work up!

My black toenail, injured the first week of December,  finally fell off.  Well, it didn't actually just fall off -  it got caught on the bathmat and mostly ripped off.  Ouch!

At my recent girl's party comments along the lines of "you should use these again" prompted me to put the plastic (disposable) plates in the dishwasher (though alcohol consumption may well have contributed too).   I did turn off the "additional heat'   and used the lowest/quickest setting.  Near the end there was that funky smell of melting plastic and I was feeling pretty panicky as I opened the door.  I was lucky as they were still intact but I would not recommend doing this  – I would hate to be responsible for someone clogging up their pipes with gunky green plastic.   We have used these plates since but they will not get to hold food a 3rd time.  They were Solo grips and really were great! 

I finally got to pick my first radishes today!  After eating all those damn leaves at last I get to eat the "fruits" – these first ones were sweet and tender: 

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