Everything is permissible

The plane has gone and so the in-laws are on their way home; but they have left me with the following list of just some of the things they consider permissible:

A shut door does not mean that you can't go in.

Drawers and cupboards are for riffling through.  You never know when you might find something interesting to ask about….

It's OK to expect one's host to go out in the middle of the night for ice cream even though you have assured them you couldn't possibly eat 5 one-pint containers in a day.

It's OK to approach random strangers and share family secrets.

It's OK to sprawl all over the large 3-seat couch, leaving  everyone else  to fight over the lone lounge chair.

It's OK to ask your family's neighbours how much they paid for their house and what their land tax is and every thing else you think might be your business.

It's quite OK to change the channel in the middle of something someone is watching.  Better, if one doesn't like what someone else is watching, you can just turn the TV off.

It's OK to point at items and ask someone how much they paid for them (this includes haircuts & medical procedures).

When in public it's quite OK to talk loudly about people's body shapes, disability, hair, clothes, colour, etc.  And, better, if your family pretends they don't hear you, you repeat it even louder and repeat over until some response is elicited!

It is totally acceptable to be critical of absolutely everything!

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37 responses

  1. Are you breathing a sigh of relief? Kicking back and enjoying having your house to yourself? They did leave you with quite a list – don't think you will make many friends following their suggestions!

  2. Ah! Sounds like it is a very good thing that you are usually in a completely different hemisphere to them. The worst thing my ILs ever did on a visit was let out dogs out in the street where they proceeded to attack the postman.

  3. Your post
    confirms my belief in people, and all the reasons I myself really don’t like
    them. I feel sorry for you but probably your in-laws would just look at you and
    as they smiled would say you married into the family!

    It never
    fails to amaze me, people and there respect for others and a amount of decorum!

  4. When in public it's quite OK to talk loudly about people's body shapes, disability, hair, clothes, colour, etc. And, better, if your family pretends they don't hear you, you repeat it even louder and repeat over until some response is elicited!

    Did my mother visit you too?

  5. I really need to ask this…did you by any chance tell them you had a blog? Cause I know you to be honest and so you probably would have told them had they asked. But if you didn't, then please don't hesitate to dump all that negative energy…because I don't think you need all that stress. So, go ahead, get to dumping! and start smiling again!!!! 🙂

  6. Thank you. I think the thing I resented most was the total lack of privacy I had during their stay. Visitors really should take care of that fact – even if they are family.

  7. Yeah – they know I have a blog which they have looked at occasionally but I made all these posts "neighbours only" so they couldn't see them. I had a friend at work take a look to make sure they weren't visible. I think my negative vibes have been washed away now.

  8. Oh my! I was following your posts earlier about the in-laws from hell, but this is really some list. I promise to never think ill thoughts about my in-laws again, because they really can't hold a candle to yours! I'm guessing your husband, like mine, is the odd member of his family who is actually reasonable and tactful.

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