Boxing Day

It’s Boxing Day, I’m working and it sucks!!


Why is it that Americans don’t recognize Boxing Day?   


Britain, Australia, New Zealand & Canada have the right idea!  South Africa call it the Day of Goodwill, but whatever it is called, a holiday is a holiday.


It just doesn’t seem right to be working on Boxing Day.   All my genes are against it!!

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7 responses

  1. Oh, but we do recognize Boxing Day. It's the day after Christmas when everybody hits the malls and smacks the living daylights out of each other to get that last goody with a deep discount. That's boxing, isn't it? LOL Sorry you're stuck working. That's got to be a disappointment.

  2. LOL!! I don't really have the right to complain because this is my 7th Christmas here in the States and I have avoided working six Boxing Days. I just felt aggrieved because it was the first day back at work after a vacation.

  3. I think you're doing a good thing by setting the example. I don't know how many English lit books I have read before begining to understand 'Boxing Day'. Let's face it, most Americians would rather wait for the movie.

  4. Sorry you had to go back to work. I think it's better as a holiday, but all it means here in Canada is that one chunk of the population has to work in a retail madhouse all that day, while another chunk of the population goes temporarily insane and rushes straight into the madhouse.I prefer sleeping.

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